Guru Poornima – 21st July 2024

Guru Poornima is the full moon day in the month of ‘Ashada’, the fourth month in the Indian lunar calendar, corresponding to end of June or early July. It is also called ‘Vyasa Poornima’, as this full moon day marks the birthday of the great sage Veda Vyasa, who categorized the vast body of Vedic knowledge in to the four Vedas – Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva. Even the writing of the eighteen Puranas (ancient Hindu legends) was completed by him on this day.

“The term ‘Guru’ means one who dispels the darkness of ignorance. ‘Gu’ means one who is beyond attributes (or gunas), ‘ru’ implies one who is beyond forms (rupa). This refers only to God. That is why the Guru is hailed as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (the holy trinity of Hindu belief). Only God is the true Guru. All others are merely teachers, like the teachers of different subjects in a college. ‘Guru’ is the one who reveals the guri (target) to the disciple. ‘Guri’ here refers to the Atmic Principle (the principle of the self)”

– Sathya Sai Baba

Guru Poornima is sacred for many reasons: the seeker who suffers from the delusion that the objective world is as real as themselves are guided into Truth. This day, those who never felt the urge to explore the Reality are inspired to seek the spring of bliss inside them. This day, pilgrims to the Lotus Feet of God, study the guide books of life. This day, disciples offer gratitude at the feet of the preceptor for the gift of light. When the Sun rises, the world is blessed with heat and light. When the Guru blesses, the pupil gets peace and joy! Remember, Guru Poornima is not a date marked in the calendar that is finished when the day is over! Know that whenever your mind, with the presiding deity of Moon, is full (Poorna), it receives Guru’s cool refreshing rays of grace! Train your mind to derive illumination from the intellect, and not from the deluding forces of the senses.

– Divine Discourse, Jul 18, 1970



“Guru is Brahman. He is the Creator; He Himself is the creation and He is the One that exists in the creation. The universe is filled with Brahman. It becomes clear that the One who Himself has become the universe is the Guru.

Guru is Vishnu. Who is Vishnu? Vishnu is one who has the quality of pervasiveness. He is the Doer and also what is done. The universe is the action, God is the Doer. God is the consciousness behind the cause and effect. The whole universe is the form of Vishnu. This Vishnu is the Guru.

Guru is Maheshvara. Who is Maheshvara? He is the one who rules all beings in the Universe. He commands and ordains everything in the universe in the right manner. Sun-rise and Sun-set go on according to His command. Seasons, rain, the day and night are His commands. Eeshvara is one that makes everything–follow its discipline without any lapse. Guru is not one who merely teaches. A Guru is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, He is God himself.

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